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Hi... and welcome to Methods Success.

If you are a Queensland student studying, or intending to study QCE Mathematical Methods, then you are in the right place.

My name is Kerrianne and I have been teaching for 20 years – my passion is Mathematical Methods (formerly known as Mathematics B) and I have taught and helped literally hundreds of students to succeed in this subject. Over the past 20 years in the classroom, I have collected an assortment of strategies, tactics and plans that enable students to achieve results. As my own children are now heading into their senior schooling years, I have developed this collection so that even more students can benefit from my years of experience.

In the new ATAR system, I’ve found that the anxiety students experience in this high-level maths subject is heightened. Methods Success was designed so that you can use my experience and knowledge to help you navigate (and excel at) the requirements of the Mathematical Methods course. I have extensive experience, both in the classroom and working with the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) as an assessor. So, I know what QCAA is after; and I know what students need to do to get top marks in this subject.


So have a look around and check out everything we have to offer.  Or contact us if you think there is some other way we can help you achieve your Methods Success.  I look forward to hearing from you.


- Kerrianne Cullen

B. Sc. (Biology & Mathematics), B. Ed. (Secondary), Graduate Certificate of Science (Chem)

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I can attest to Kerrianne's personal integrity and her trustworthiness, along with the dedication she brings to her role as an educator. She is able to teach with authority and confidence. I have no doubt that Kerrianne can contribute to successful outcomes for students. 

JT (parent)

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